The Lease Management Agreement With The Erie County Water Authority Was Signed In 2007!
Who 1st Voted For The ECWA Lease Management Program?
Which Town Board 1st Voted For The Lease Management Program With The Erie County Water Authority?
Since these minutes participated in the town’s Shred-It event long ago, I dug into my archives and was able to find them.
Resolution #266 was approved by Bartus / Cooper / Erickson / Spence at the 8-15-2007 town board meeting.
Below is the approved resolution.
This board approved $12,600,000 in new spending.
[ Click Here ] To Download the 8-15-2007 minutes.
[ Click Here ] To View All Water Project Posts.
[ Click Here ] NYS OSC Evans Audit Reports.
Much has been said about the mismanagement of the Town of Evans water project. Most residents do not know who or what to believe. The good news is that “the truth is out there!”. In 2012, the New York State Office of the State Comptroller (NYSOSC) audited the Town of Evans. Water project mismanagement is reviewed in great detail. It is not a pretty picture. [ Click Here ] to download the NYSOSC audit report.
As water project spending approached $100,000,000!, not once has any of the town boards asked residents what was needed or what the town could afford. Not a shining example of democracy!