Assessment Search Gear 1ADVANCED SEARCH

The has a powerful advanced search function. There are two search options. Every page that has a URL that ends with “_list.php” has a gear icon at the top right of the page. (See image to the right →) Clicking the gear displays two options:

Advanced Search: This will display a new page with all your field search options.

Show search panel: This will display a search panel on the 2023 Assessments List Page. (Note Bene: All list pages offer these features)

EXAMPLE #1: If you wanted a list of all properties owned by John Doe, you would simply enter the last name “Doe” into the last name search box and then click the search button. All properties owned by last name = Doe will be displayed.

EXAMPLE #2: If you wanted a list of properties with an assessed value of $100,000 to $125,000, you would change the drop down box next to 2023 Assessment from “contains” to “between”. A second box will be displayed. Now, just enter your desired range of assessments into the two boxes.

The word “Advanced” implies that this is complicated but it is really simple to use.

Assessment Advanced Search