Read about electric buses at Lake Shore Central Schools in the Buffalo News. [ Click Here ]

Lake Shore Central Schools Electric Buses



Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. - P. J. O'Rourke

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When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here

Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here

QUOTE: “They have all rights to come to the town board and take the privilege of the floor and ask US questions.
I answer the questions.
I feel like a broken record.

Mary Hosler

Steven Jobes Quote

The Mary Hosler video is 17 seconds long. The Tommy George video is 36 seconds long. Can you watch these two short videos and tell me that Evans has open government?

QUOTE:  Deputy Supervisor Tommy George On Privilege of the Floor:  ” . . . each individual . . all your remarks should be directed to the town board as a body and not to any individual member. Please remember this not intended to be a question & answer period but rather an opportunity for the board to gain input from the general public.Tommy George