The liberties of people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
– Patrick Henry
In yet another denial of documents that should be provided under the Freedom of Information Law, Supervisor Mary Hosler has denied the Town’s assessment data as a computer readable file. was provided this information since 2007. [ Click Here ] Putting this data online helps residents challenge their assessment.
Here’s a link to the 2019 – 2020 Assessment Data as a spreadsheet file [ Click Here ]
It’s takes two minutes to create the data file. The town has spent hours of employee time to deny the FOIL. Just another reason why taxes are going up again!
Is it believable that a file that could be created last year can’t be created this year?
If you agree with the above quote, then there is Big Trouble In Little Evans.
When Keith Dash was supervisor, you only had to ask for documents. Now, Mary Hosler requires that ALL documents be FOILed. Even Councilman Schraft claims he is required to use the Freedom of Information Law to obtain documents! If documents are provided, are usually provided at the end of the legal time limit. She also regularly refuses to provide documents. The ironic part of this is that under the law, if a documents is refused, you write your appeal letter to the person who refused your request in the first place! Appeal letters do not always receive a reply. According to the NYS COOG your recourse to do an Article 78 which required filing fees and usually legal fees.
First off, by 2020 Resolution #38, the town clerk was appointed by the town board as FOIL officer.
In an attempt to get the supervisor to release documents, 0n 3-20-2019, the Evans Town Board passed Resolution 176 to achieve that goal. On 2-5-2020, the new town board passed a resolution rescinding 2019-176 then rewording the resolution to require all requests for documents to essentially be “approved” by the supervisor!
Is it even legal to pass a local law that targets the town’s two councilmen?
Now, if Mary Hosler denies a councilman document(s), the councilman’s next step is to write a letter appealing the denial TO MARY HOSLER! See a problem here?
There was a lengthy exchange by board members and the town attorney. [ Meeting Recording Has been FOILed ]
VISIT: Buffalo Niagara Coalition for Open Government
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If you think Mary Hosler should stop denying Freedom of Information Requests, call Mary Hosler at 716.549.5787 or send her an email at .
When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here
Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here