In 1982, the courts ruled that Bob Cat Sr., a former supervisor, had to repay the taxpayers for funds improperly spent. Fast-forward two decades, son Bob Cat Jr. gets a DWI in a town vehicle and has “spending issues” at NYC conventions.

Google states, “Local governments are responsible for many important services, including: social care, schools, housing and planning, waste collection, licensing, business support, registrar services, and pest control. “.

In Evans, this definition needs to be expanded to include legally getting money out of taxpayers’ pockets and into the pockets of the town board members, their families, and friends.

The latest example is Mary Hosler paying herself for medical benefits that were not taken even though she received health benefits since her husband was a town employee. Read: Former Evans supervisor challenges state audit critical of benefit payments on her watch

In addition, there are reports that Hosler also transferred even more town funds to herself via the payroll system.

You get the picture. So what’s next?

On October 2nd, 2024, please attend the town board meeting at 6:00 PM.

The town board should get an independent auditor to review the payroll system.

Sitting at home will encourage more poor behavior.

Hosler Take Money And Run



Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. - P. J. O'Rourke

Signup & Refer A Friend!

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. - P. J. O'Rourke

Signup & Refer A Friend!

When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here

Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here


The Town of Evans purchases electricity from New Wave Electric. Would a commercial account save taxpayers hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars a year?


QUOTE: “They have all rights to come to the town board and take the privilege of the floor and ask US questions.
I answer the questions.
I feel like a broken record.

Mary Hosler

Steven Jobes Quote

The Mary Hosler video is 17 seconds long. The Tommy George video is 36 seconds long. Can you watch these two short videos and tell me that Evans has open government?

QUOTE:  Deputy Supervisor Tommy George On Privilege of the Floor:  ” . . . each individual . . all your remarks should be directed to the town board as a body and not to any individual member. Please remember this not intended to be a question & answer period but rather an opportunity for the board to gain input from the general public.Tommy George