UPDATE: 12-01-2024
The latest chapter of this Mary Hosler saga has the former Evans Supervisor filing a defamation lawsuit against the two current board members over their comments about her taking the $6,000 health insurance benefit. Political rancor in Evans is a fact of life. The difference this time is that the taxpayers are likely on the hook for legal fees significantly exceeding the amount sought from Hosler. Will the town be transparent and disclose these legal fees?
What happened to the payroll audit? Maybe the town board will buy a new broom to sweep this one under the carpet!
How about an audit of the “true” cost to taxpayers for maintaining the Sturgeon Point Marina Restaurant contract?
The Town of Evans gets a black eye and the taxpayers get the short end of the stick, again.
UPDATE: 11-09-2024
WGRZ: [ Click Here! ] Former Evans supervisor files cease and desist against the town for defamation.
How can the town board vote to ask Mary Hosler to return her $15,000 salary as the town’s budget officer since she voted to pay herself when all board members vote to pay themselves?
In 2024, Ray Ashton made the motion and then voted to pay himself $15,375 as Budget Director—$375 more than the town seeks from Mary Hosler!
Unless the Ethics Board is incorrect, every town board member should have to repay the town all their salaries for all their years served since they voted on their pay resolution(s)!
Maybe the Ethics Board needs some scrutiny?!
Maybe this is the town’s attempt to avoid discussing a payroll audit.
Click Here To Download The Organizational Minutes
UPDATE: 11-08-2024
wgrz tv reported on the Mary Hosler issue after the 11-6-2024 town board meeting. What is missing from the discussion is that past supervisors used the position of budget officer to give themselves raises and then claimed that the position of “supervisor” did NOT get a pay raise. Asking Hosler to repay the $15,000 budget officer salary is wrong. Where were the budget hawks over the last 4 decades? Even at $55,000 a year, Hosler was paid less than dozens of other town employees. The supervisor is Evans’s #1 position, but the pay does not reflect this. Hosler should agree to repay the $6,000, which was just questionable. Why are some residents in an uproar about thousands of dollars while the town is spending $1.2 million for engineering for the current water project and not hiring an engineer, saving water customers $1,000,000+?! [ Click Here! ] What about losing money on the Sturgeon Point Marina restaurant lease? [ Click Here! ] The budget hawks should stop being penny wise and pound foolish.
UPDATE: 10-28-2024
“It doesn’t mean that,” Ashton replied, insisting the audit identified poor practices, not wrongdoing. “It doesn’t mean it wasn’t their money.” – – – Evans Supervisor Ray Ashton [ InvestigativePost ]
Nice try, Ray, but Mary Hosler received benefits through her husband, who was a town employee.
On a right/wrong and moral basis, she was wrong to take more taxpayer’s money.
Ashton’s describing this as “bad optics” IS “bad optics” on his part.
Unfortunately for Evans residents, this puppet show will run for at least three more years.
WIVB: Former Town of Evans supervisor asked to pay back over $23K [ Click Here! ]
The Town of Evans Ethics Committee claims that former supervisor Mary Hosler improperly paid herself $23,054.79. [ Watch the WIVB Video ] Let’s remember that this is the Town of Evans, and there is always more to the story.
The town board already voted down a resolution for an independent audit of payroll. Will these same board members vote to recover the $23,054.79 from Mary Hosler? Since the puppet masters (party bosses) protect their own, odds are the resolution is defeated 3 – 2.
But if the resolution is approved, then what? Hosler’s repaying the money would be an admission of wrongdoing. Mary Hossler likely will decline to pay back the money. Now, the town board has another tough decision to make. Do nothing or take legal action?
Taxpayers get two short straws. They either don’t get the $23,054.79 or potentially spend more on legal fees than the money recovered.
The Town of Evans hired a payroll consultant, Thelma and Louise Consulting, LLC. The consultant was hired through a town board resolution and, therefore, was responsible to the town board. Is the consultant liable and accountable for irregularities documented in the state comptroller’s audit? Again, the puppet masters will protect their own. Interestingly, Google can’t find Thelma and Louise Consulting, LLC!
Supervisor Ray Ashton campaigned on running a transparent government. Before the town board votes to pay the town’s bills, budget officer Ashton should provide a list of payables. Taxpayers have a legal right to see how THEIR money is being spent.
When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here
Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here
QUOTE: “They have all rights to come to the town board and take the privilege of the floor and ask US questions.
I answer the questions.
I feel like a broken record.“
Mary Hosler
“The Mary Hosler video is 17 seconds long. The Tommy George video is 36 seconds long. Can you watch these two short videos and tell me that Evans has open government?“
QUOTE: Deputy Supervisor Tommy George On Privilege of the Floor: ” . . . each individual . . all your remarks should be directed to the town board as a body and not to any individual member. Please remember this not intended to be a question & answer period but rather an opportunity for the board to gain input from the general public.” Tommy George