Supervisor Mary Hosler would like to remove term limits in Evans. Should a three member board vote on this resolution or should it be put on the November ballot?


Public Officers Law §74

Lets look at NY State Law – Public Officers Law §74 . [ Click Here! ]

State law says it is a “conflict of interest” if board member has a “financial” interest in the outcome. A third term would provide board members with an additional four year salary, benefits and increased pension benefits.

A board member voting to removing term limits in Evans would clearly be a “conflict of interest” .

The only way to avoid the “conflict of interest” is to let Evans voters decide in a November election.
(Just like in September 2020 when residents voted to return to a five person board.)

Public Officers Law 74


If you think Mary Hosler should let Evans Voters decide the Term Limits issue, call Mary Hosler at 716.549.5787 or send her an email at

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  • Politicians like Evans Supervisor Mary Hosler exercise enormous power over the town’s agenda, budget, and the hiring of town employees and consultants. If term limits ended her career, the leadership role would pass to another residents elected by residents.
  • Serving on the Evans Town Board should be about public service and not encouraging people to see elected position as a desirable full-time career and council seats with full time benefits for a part-time position.
    • A third term for Mary Hosler would provide her with $250,000 to $750,000 in salary, benefits and a more generous pension.
  • For people who do see political life as a profession, term limits provide the necessary experience and incentive to seek higher office. Prevents dead wood from remaining in office.
  • Term limits would encourage younger residents to run for office without having to defeat a well-entrenched senior incumbent.
  • Would offer the possibility that the Evans tradition of taking care of “family & friends” and “professional courtesy” might be reduced.
  • Term limits would offer hope that town board members would answer to Evans residents and not the party bosses.
  • Term limits would lead to electing younger residents that might be more technology savvy than long-term members who rely on their staff to do tech work.
  • Term limits may result in greater voter turnout if people feel there is a real race going on and their votes can count.



  • Reduces the list of qualified and available candidates. “We already have term limits, they are called elections”.
  • Removes experienced, knowledgeable and influential office holders, thereby increasing the influence of long time party bosses.
  • Short term solution to long term problems.
  • Available statistics do not bear out the assumption that women and minorities will have an increased chance to participate under Term Limits.
  • Voter participation has not increased by term limits.
  • Term limits feel like an easy fix to a more difficult problem.


Term Limits Expired

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