Ironically, Channel 4’s Don Postles mispronounced the former Evans supervisor’s name as Mary HOZEler. If you read the audit report, it is easy to see that Evans Taxpayers “got hosed” by Mary Hosler. [ Read The Entire Report ] Embezzlement in government is the fraudulent appropriation of government property by someone who has been entrusted with it. It is a serious charge that can have serious consequences, including fines and prison. Since the state’s audit does not mention Mary Hosler by name, it is a safe bet that she will face no consequences or even be required to pay back the $6,000.
At every town board meeting, the board votes pay to the bills from their respective funds. It is time to provide a detailed list of bills being paid. The City of Buffalo uses CitiStat to make every payment available to those interested. Instead of paying engineers $1,200,000 for work that could have done by hiring an engineer for maybe $250,000, the town could have purchased software to provide transparency on how taxpayer funds are being spent.
Ray Ashton, Laurie Reitz, and John Wilson have been very quiet on this issue.
Two board members covered by their spouses’ town health insurance sought opt-out payments in 2016 but were deemed ineligible, according to the audit. One of those was Jeanne Macko and Hosler was the other. This explains Macko’s silence.
Unfortunately, the NYSOSC only has the authority to make recommendations. Like all the past audits, don’t expect things to change in Evans.
When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here
Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here
The Town of Evans purchases electricity from New Wave Electric. Would a commercial account save taxpayers hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars a year?
QUOTE: “They have all rights to come to the town board and take the privilege of the floor and ask US questions.
I answer the questions.
I feel like a broken record.“
Mary Hosler
“The Mary Hosler video is 17 seconds long. The Tommy George video is 36 seconds long. Can you watch these two short videos and tell me that Evans has open government?“
QUOTE: Deputy Supervisor Tommy George On Privilege of the Floor: ” . . . each individual . . all your remarks should be directed to the town board as a body and not to any individual member. Please remember this not intended to be a question & answer period but rather an opportunity for the board to gain input from the general public.” Tommy George