From the Buffalo Business First article on November 13th, 2020 in and article titled “From large hubs to rural towns, here are the best places to live in Western New York“, under “Large Towns (10,000+), the Town of Evans is listed dead last out of the 17 towns in this category!
Politicians always take credit for the good things that happen under their watch. The flip side is they also should take responsibility for the not so good things. No supervisor has raised taxes more than Mary Hosler. Wasted taxpayer money on a pool and splash pad that can’t be opened due to COBID-19. $250,000 wasted on Greniger Road for a water tower now moved to Eden Evans Center Road. Town employees are so unhappy that the town is hiring a “full time” Human Resources (HR) person. This new position will hamper town’s ability to fill vacant positions in the Highway & Police departments. I guess residents can wait until Spring to get that pile of branches chipped!
Don’t laugh, but Mary Hosler has removing term limits on the Agenda under old business. Can “We The Taxpayers” really afford seven more years of Mary Hosler?
When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here
Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here