Updated 1-12-2023
In 2022, the Evans Town Board voted on 471 resolutions. Neither Tommy George (R) or Laurie Reitz (D) voted against Supervisor Mary Hosler. With regards to upsizing to a 5 member town board, Laurie Reitz could be replaced by a rubber stamp. After one year in office, I could not find one accomplishment posted on her Facebook page.
Hosler = Aye / Reitz = Nay —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / Reitz = Aye —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
Jeanne Macko, serving as the other upsized councilperson, voted 19 times against the supervisor and her voting block.
Hosler VS Macko
Hosler = Aye / Macko= Nay —> 12 Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / Macko = Aye —> 7 Times (Click Here!)
————————————– 19 Times
In 1985 you could walk into the town hall and find the supervisor and the four council people hard at work for Evans residents. Now Supervisor Mary Hosler is working at her new high-paying job with Erie County and most work hours find the door to the council people’s office closed and the lights off.
The Town of Evans Town Board, under suspended rules (not on the agenda), voted on 53 resolutions. [ Click Here ] NYS Public Officers Law, Article 7 Section 103 (e) [ Click Here ] requires the town board to make these resolutions public at least 24 hours before they are discussed or voted on. Last I looked, every year, all board members take an oath of office that includes “following the law“. Maybe 2023 will be the year the board only votes on emergency resolutions and ends this business as usual practice.
Updated 11-3-2022
Since the year 2000, I have requested and received a meeting with every new Town of Evans Town Board Member with one exception. Laurie Reitz.
Her schedule is so full that she can not even spare a minute to read an email!
Evans residents were told that upsizing back to a five-member town board would improve town government. Laurie Reitz has voted 100% of the time with Mary Hosler! [ Click Here! ] If anyone can figure out how Laurie Reitz made local government better, please reply to this post!
January 2022 saw the Town of Evans town board increase from 3 members to 5 members. From the point of view of “We The People”, did it make a difference?
The politicians will say yes but it is a good rule of thumb in Evans to look at deeds, not words.
Fortunately, their deeds are 100% public via their voting record.
We all have differences with family, friends, co-workers, etc. When you watch the government channel on cable TV, you often see a lively debate. According to the NYS Comptroller’s website (2020), of all towns in Erie County, the Town of Evans has the 3rd worst fiscal stress score. One would think there would be much lively discussion about how the taxpayer’s money is being spent. Since the supervisor is also the town’s “budget officer”, let’s take a look at the voting records of the supervisor VS the 4 council members.
NOTE: Data provided below is for the first 8 months of 2020.
As of 8-17-2022, the Town of Evans town board voted on 313 resolutions.
Hosler VS George
Hosler = Aye / George = Nay —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / George = Aye —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
————————————— NOT ONCE!
Hosler VS Schraft
Hosler = Aye / Schraft = Nay —> 11 Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / Schraft = Aye —> 7 Times (Click Here!)
————————————– 18 Times
Hosler VS Macko
Hosler = Aye / Macko= Nay —> 12 Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / Macko = Aye —> 7 Times (Click Here!)
————————————– 19 Times
Hosler = Aye / Reitz = Nay —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
Hosler = Nay / Reitz = Aye —> Zero Times (Click Here!)
————————————— NOT ONCE!
The data shows that upsizing did not change much in the Town of Evans. George & Reitz ALWAYS vote with the supervisor. Schraft & Macko do vote against Hosler & Company.
The supervisor talks about the town’s improved bond rating. That just means she has raised taxes enough to pay the bills. Fiscal Stress deals with how the taxpayer’s money is being spent.
Maybe term limits will bring the change Evans needs to become more competitive with other towns in Erie County.
One can always hope!
When to talk at Hamburg public meetings: Town supervisor capitulates: Click-Here
Censorship in North Korea – Wikipedia: Click-Here